Thursday, 26 November 2015

poster making for german sheperd rescue

poster making for the German Shepard rescue 

I have been hired by the uk German shepherd rescue to design and make there poster and flyers for online and print purposes . I m going to link this in with the advanced photographic teqnique module . by using the Photoshop teqniques and tutorials that I experiment with into practice.  I will also be using this as part of the professional side because this is a client and I will also be producing my own images of the dogs for them to use in my posters. This I think is good experience in working in the photography and mix media industry for a client. 

The first set of posters that I have been asked to produce are the Christmas poster for Christmas markets these I had a dead line of a week to produce 4 and was the hardest because I don't have a wide range of knowledge and I do struggle with Photoshop  so im learning as I go along along with having basic skills to begin with. as I make these poster I aim to increase my knowledge and by doing this get this to a professional stander and I will evaluate this along the way.

 This is the first poster I produced I used photoshop to cut out all the individual items on this and I do like the final out come but when I look at the later  posters I have now produced I can see the flaws in this . for example I think things need to be lined and straighten  up and also I think it is slightly cluttered. whilst doing this though I have improved my cutting out skills on Photoshop which I struggled with.
 These next 2 poster I mad around the same time and due to lack of back ground because I haven't been able to find images that aren't pixelated i also think that this background really works with the Christmas theme.
these i think have turned out a lot better especially with the lining up words etc. i also think my cutting out has improved which makes the images blend into the poster more. i also think that this poster looks more professional than the first and flows better. 

my next step will be to do more tutorial on tools for Photoshop and poster making so i can improve my skills to a more professional stranded and then link the teqniques in with my photographic work.

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