Thursday, 26 November 2015

sam taylor wood - still life

Sam Taylor wood - still life   
Sam taylor wood is an English film maker photographer and visual artist.  Through out her work she uses a this mix to create pieces that are extremely powerful . She uses a lot of dark emotion in her pieces for example the still life rotting fruit and the still images of her strung from a ceiling in her house. 

Image result for sam taylor wood hung from ceiling

This piece in particular is said to give the sense of hanging between heaven and earth .

I think her mix still and moving insulations is something I would like to look into more when showing my work mainly because of the way she frames for pieces like painting which gives the mix of  new media and old style painting which i find eye catching.

This video shows the work of sam taylor wood I think this has an amazing in site on to how  she creates her work and also the many different reasons that she shows her work in the way she does.
The way in which this is filmed is quiet eye catching as well with the mix of shots . The scenes that show her work use wide shots and close up shots along with panning. which I think works really well because you can explore the detail in the work.
The in the scenes where Sam or other people are talking a head and shoulders shot is used which I think puts clear focus on the subject.


This video is an example of a stop motion video , this uses a collection of images put together in video editing software makes a piece that then looks like a video. to do this takes can take hundreds of images even thousands. to make even a short video.  this piece i think would have taken weeks to do and thousands of images. this is because each individual stage of the fruit  decaying would of had to be photographs top link together , i think this may have been done every half an our each day because of the detailed small changes. 

I really like the way this piece has been put together and the way that the images is composed like an old style still life image. I think that using stop motion to project this work , draws you in especially with this piece. i normally find still life a bit boring because they all look like old paintings but when they are shown like this it makes you looked at the detail in the images and the change in light more closely as you watch the images switch in sequence.  

The narrative in this image i think shows growing older and the on going decay of life . as the fresh new born child begins its life like the fresh new fruit that then as it grows older breaks down and  begin to rot , decay and wither away like as people get older  and slowly  begin to decay like the fruit . heading for the end of life.

This music video by sam taylor wood :
There is only one shot this through out which is head and shoulders , With the subject positioned in the centre. In this video i think you can see that a photographer has composed this because of the positioning of the shot and the slight depth.
I really like the way the music links with the beginning scene as the singing begins and the spring open . This I think catches your attention straight away and makes you want to watch more,
I  also think that this is a powerful video because of the eye connection between the subject and the camera . This i think makes you look into the mind of the subject and wonder why he has lack of emotion . Which I then think makes you imagine your own narrative to the piece. 

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