Monday, 12 October 2015

Advance digital photography (irene) HDR

HDR photography
High dynamic range
A hdr images is  a process to edit an images to fit the same luminance as seen by the (visual system) human eye . This change the colours and effect of the image from a normal compress camera images that is processed to look how the cameras hardware picks up light and colour etc , to now showing it how the human eye would focus the detail . one the the main factor in doing this is by using a wider dynamic range . this is also done by making the luminesce meter greater . 
Types of HDR
  • computer renders / merging 
  • lighting calculation - larger dynamic range
  • used a lot in video games and special effects
  • oversampled binary image sensor
  • dynamic range measured in exposure value
formula for measuring dynamic range in exposure value :
Stops - 1+ stop = x2 amount of light conversely. 
decree -1 = half of 1 light convesity   
This is achieved by capturing multiple standard exposed images and then + and - the exposure evenly and then merging these using photo manipulation software .  Then making 1 image .
Raw images are best for this because of the high resolution and images taken manually so you have complete control over the image .  The program to use when doing this is Photoshop with its wide range of tools and high spec editing software.
some of the newer models of camera have this function built in but I think that digitally editing this from a raw file on computer will give a clearer more professional image. 
you can also get apps for your mobile phone now to create this teqnique but these are for more amateur purposes. 
printing images :
To print hdr images you want to be using tone mapping , which is processing the computer graphics / settings to calibrate with the printer to give the wide dynamic and high coloured image as seen in digital to the same quality when printed.    

These images above show example of hdr imagery these have be edited using in computer digital software. I really like the way that the colours in these images are so bold and how the almost 3d image stands out and gives you a bold view of the scene . almost looking like the image has been taken from the human eye and not produced with a camera. 

 This image shows the process from original image to edited hdr  this I think is a really clear way of showing the process and the change in each step take to produce this .

These last two images are hdr portraits these are my favourite I love the way that these almost look like painting and give a very bold detailed look on the subject along with giving depth to the image.
I will add to this post later with my own attempts at the process.    

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