Tuesday, 13 October 2015

advanced digital photography image manipulation (irene)

This is an editing teqnique that can be achieved using many different applications (software) for example phone apps for amuterus to photoshop and light room for professionals.
orginally this was done for printed images by using ink , paint and double exposure this was all done on the negatives or prints before the age of digital . I think that this is an amazing way of editing and it would be great to learn the process. but this did make the ideas and final out come of images more limited on like with today digital age and consent expanding software that now give you almost endless range if editing .
when looking at the earlier images though I found a world war 1 battle image that has used the teqnique of double exposure I think that this is a great image and it has made me what to experiment with printing as well as digital to compare the differences in the final out comes .
This has now lead  to todays digital of manipulating images in Photoshop and other digital software. these images show an idea some times simple but other times out of this world and surreal that is based around the photographs idea that cannot be create in everyday life (e,g the real world). this I think is one of the teqniques that gives you the space to use your imagination to its fullest. 

this YouTube video shows a simple step by step
 guide to image manipulation . this isn't one of my favourites out of all the teqniques but this video does show an easy  beginners method.
I will use this to experiment with in my own work. 

these are all examples of images using the manipulation teqnique I have picked this because I really like the surreal feeling that they give with a feeling of something that would be used in a game with the first two image. where as the other look like they have more of an artist twist to them with more of a real life mixed fantasy feel.
I would like to experiment with images like these with my own work which I will put in a later post.


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