Monday, 12 October 2015

advanced digital photography (irene) panoramic

panoramic images show the view of the world the we see from our own eye , unlike hdr images where the colour in the images represents the view you get from your eye , this teqnique represents the wide angle image showing a full scale long view of the entire scene . unlike normal 35mm images that crop the images to a smaller scale image size.

In today photographic era this isn't seen to be as complicated a teqnique as in previous years because with on going technology and phone apps this process is open to every one. but this I still think should be seen past the armature low spec app at looked at in a professional manor as the dslr images give a much clearer high detailed image , that can be printed to an size and used for multiple purposes including large scale billboards . 
This is made up of a series of images overlapped that can be stitched together in digital software for example Photoshop which I feel give the tools and graphic to create a high spec well put together image.  

When photographing this the best way is to use a tripod to set up and keep the framing level and well composed for each image . This is extremely important in this teqnique because if the images aren't  level then when stitching them together lines will appear in between and wont give the full effect of one large image instead of a collection of smaller ones. 
like in many other digital editing processes it is best to use raw images for the size and quality and a manual camera setting so you have full control over the image to make the exposure the same each time. 

 These are some examples of panoramic photography that really caught my eye i really like the coloured reflection on the water in the  city images and how the light in the reflection seems to bounce up and light the images.
 the colouring in this i think also links to that of hdr with the bright bold high contrast detail . when i experiment with my own idea i think i could link this to taking images of busy moving round to stick with the bright coloured lights but with adding my own style .
This next image below realy caught my eye as well because it almost looks 3d like it would be used in a graphic piece for some kind of game .
The last two images where my favoured and are something i really want to try this is because i love the tone and shapes in all black and white photography and to to see it in an image of this size with the detail and wide angle of the image makes me really want to try this and put it in my own work . when putting htis into my own work i would like to use busy streets full of people to experiment with all the shapes and tones and also a range of different setting and different types of day to see how that changes the narrative and composition of my image.
i will add links to this blog as i experiment with this process

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