Monday, 12 October 2015

advanced digital photography : image stacking (irene)

image stacking 

Focus stacking is a technique that extends a photos depth of field. This technique is best for macro and close up photography. This is a great technique because even the highest f - stop can be insufficient to getting everything in focus. but with using this technique this gives an extremely clear point of focus with a wide depth of field , with out loosing  an of the detail in the image. 
The technique is done by photographing the same image with evenly spaced focusing distance (f stop) for each image and making sure that the depth of field for each image then overlaps the one before.  When creating these images the amount of photographs taken depends on the image its self as you have to calculate the amount need for everyone. the final step after getting the images is to use Photoshop or an alternative editing software to then import and stack the images to make one new file.  

 These are examples that i found of colour stacking these have been used in time laps photography to give the effect to the sky that seems to almost drag you back into the image. i also think that these images almost look painted with the sky looking like brush strokes have been added to give lines that follow into the deep backdrop of the bright coloured high contrast sky.
this like other images have looked at give the same colour defention and detail has hdr photography , which i think makes the image stad out even more.

 these next images are print screens i have found of images being edited in Photoshop. i have chosen to add these to my work , because they show a clear view of the stages that you need to go though to produce these images in editing software.  as i begin to work on this technique i   will add my own print screen of images i will produce .  this is another technique that iam looking forward to try out epically with the top images of the time laps sky because i really love the effect and colour in the images.

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