In camera : one way of creating images is by using multiple exposure in camera . This is done by using a camera setting that allows you to take ro images and it then process them so they are lated over each other which then create one new image . I think that even though this is a quick way of producing these images that if you want to create a good quality high spec image then using out of camera software will give you a better overall image.
out of camera : This can be done either with a printing process or digitally .
starting first with multiple exposure in prin ting . this is done by using negatives and over laying the negatives on an enlarger before printing onto photo paper in the darkroom . I think this teqnique is good but it has a lot more limited out come , where as in digital software and options and effects are endless .
starting first with multiple exposure in prin ting . this is done by using negatives and over laying the negatives on an enlarger before printing onto photo paper in the darkroom . I think this teqnique is good but it has a lot more limited out come , where as in digital software and options and effects are endless .
out of camera digital double exposure : this teqnique is done using computer software for example photoshop which I will be using to practice this teqnique . photoshop is my software if choice because I feel that the high spec of the software and range of tools for cresting this exceeds all others and will give a well produced professional image.
this is a Photoshop tutorial that I found on YouTube showing a basic way in which to create the multiple exposure teqnique. this video I think is really help full and shows the teqnique in a clear way which is easy to under stand . along with looking for other more complex tutorials I will use this to experiment with this teqnique.
these images are all example of digital double exposure I have found whilst researching that I have the black and white images more eye catching and I plan to use black and white in my work whilst following this teqnique . this is because I love the way the bright white back ground lights the whole images and sets of the line and shapes of the dark tones that create the mages. I especially like the images that show tons , building and roads on people . this is because I love the match of a mixing the living organism of a human with the scape that we have built . this gives a feeling of the idea of today society that originally came from the mind of the human race almost sinking back into our minds.
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