Sunday, 31 January 2016

artur golacki

Artur golacki  

Artur golacki other wise known as gouy is an artist that i came across on deviant art . his weird and wonderful surreal pieces i think link well with my idea of the human form.  I think that this is because he mixes the idea of the mythical creatures almost animal like and mixes these with the human for which gives an amazing warped view of the human form . these have really inspired me epically with the idea  of using different body parts to to create a new image that is a completely different representation.

This first image especially shows the kinda of interpretation of the body that I want to show with the image being stretched so that the parts begin to change form . to interpret this idea I want to over lay my image to create double exposed images that use parts of portrait images to be one abstract piece.

 This second image really caught my eye with the way it is lit i love the way the lighing hits sections of the body showing the outline of the body in bright detail . but still keeping the dark background. I think that the dark back ground gives a mysterious feeling as you can see where it leads , blacking out what could have been any location for the image.  the idea of the dark black back ground is something I have planned to use in my own work I want to use this so that my subject is main focus and the bright lighting that will be focusing on my subject is pushed forward by the dark back ground.

this work is really inspired me with idea and given me many ideas that i can interpret to create my own work in my own style . I first looked at artists on devant art like this because i think they show more creative ideas using image manipulation through graffic design  that I think would look cool being interpreted into a photographic project. 

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