Using DSLR for film making
Since 2008 when the first Digital DSLR Camera emerged film making have been revolutionised with the ability to produce professional looking videos in an affordable price range for amateurs and professionals .
Reasons why people choose to use DSLR:
They are smaller than many professional video camera's, making moving equipment and filming at fast pace easier. The camera spec still produces professional quality video.
Along with this using a DSLR creates a super shallow depth of field with the variety and types of lenses available for DSLR unlike most camcorders in the same price range that have built in lenses which then limits your choice of creativity.
The price range for a good quality DSLR (these normally) come with one lens and accessories is between £380 and £1000.This depends on the camera model etcetera.
This in it's self is a big price drop from a camcorder that starts at £1,500 up to around £15,000.
During my time experimenting with video recording I will be using my Canon EOS 500D to film a selection of short sequences at Day and Night to then edit it and produce a short film.
When doing this I will also use a couple of different lenses one is a 33mm - 55mm lens and the second one is an 75mm - 400mm lens, I will do this to experiment with a different range of depths and shots depending on the lenses capability and quality.
The editing and software most commonly used for putting videos together is Adobe Premiere, this is a professional software that's produces videos at the highest standard and is easy to learn how to use, this is why it is so commonly used by amateurs and professionals.
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