Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Video idea : animal head abstract

video idea : animal head abstract
my idea my short video is to use a range of short clips to build up a video that gives a eerie feeling that creeps the viewer out . but I want to do this by using the lighting in each shot to give this feeling . I will use a series of sort clips so that it almost flickers from  shots  of trees , lakes that seem almost like still images but you can see the sight movement of the leaves and water. I will then use clips of  a model wearing the animal head and a model with out the animal head. I will be filming this a night so I will use studio lighting to light this shot. I will use one lamp to do this and I think I will be using split lighting so that half of the shot is still in pitch blackness almost like the person is slowly appearing from the dark and creeping through the darkness. my final shots will be using lighting from cars and street lighting I will use these to link the shots together using the lighting and a mix of blurring using the camera to link shots I will slightly blur to links shots of the model . this I think will work well blending scenes together and add to the era feeling with the blurring and lights almost making you think that your in some kind of dream world.
im going to film this all as the sun is going down at night and in the pitch black so that I use some natural light from the sun and then the moon . but  I also use studio lighting to light some scenes .
when editing this I will use only basic editing with cutting the individual scenes , changing levels I wont be using any effects to blend scenes together because I want to use the shots of the car lights that I will film to do this. 
I would like the give my finished piece an almost abstract feel and also a surreal feeling so there will be no direct narrative so there wont be a simple beginning to end feeling I think this will also add to the abstract feeling because it concentrates more on the composition of the scene and the object in this rather than the story line linked to the sequence.  
equipment : dslr canon camera , animal mascot heads , 1x studio light , tripod , mono pod . 

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