Wednesday, 20 January 2016

final project idea

Final Project Idea
My idea for my final 10 images is to explore the human form and the hidden side to artistic erotic photography and then with my research produce a close up image of a section of the body, but in doing this I will use the dark tones and shadows against the well lit areas to not have complete focus on the body its self but to explore the shapes and lines that make this.
Whilst doing this i also want to experiment with using close ups and large darks shadowed areas to make the body parts so that they are hard to identify. By doing this I think it would make an effect of the image having been manipulated so now the body would be portrayed as a completely new object.
For example I have found a collection on pintrest that uses close ups of parts such as the arch of the back or the lines of bum cheeks taken from a side angle  to look like the sea when water droplets and small jumping dolphins were manipulated in to the originals. Where as in my work I want to take a different path and use the lighting and angle of the shot to confuse the view of which body part they are looking at.
This I think will make the collection more interesting and put across the shape of the individual human and also give a stylish erotic feeling to the images without them being an in your face erotic image as I have found this is most common when exploring the genre and I don't want the main focus to be on the erotic imagery but more the art and form of my subject.
How I Will Do This
To produce these images I will be using my studio because I want a plain black background . so that when my subject is lit the shadows almost blend with the background, but with the outlines of the body lit to make the shapes and lines sharper to follow.  
  • Lamp x2
  • Soft Box
  • Black Backdrop
  • Black Sheet x2
  • Tripod
  • Monopod
  • Canon camera
I will use a large flat wooden side that is around waste height ( after being covered with sheets and back drop ) to position my model on. I think this would work really well  because  I can get a variety of different angled shots with the height and position of the side. This also gives me a large amount of space to work with, when positioning the lamps I will experiment with a variety of different set ups for the two lamps. I will draw a diagram of these set ups in my sketch book.
These images will be taken in raw so that I can experiment with colour and black and white as well as experimenting with image manipulation and HDR. I think this will give me a wide spec to experiment with overall.
When editing these images I will use Adobe Photoshop for the HDR and image manipulation, but I will also  use Adobe Bridge for editing raw files.
Image Manipulation- I will us the pen tool, masking tool, crop, warp and other effect tools that i will list and explain the process as I use them.
HDR- I will use the HDR effect tool on Photoshop and then experiment with different. effects and fillers in the program, as well as editing level, curves and exposure in Photoshop when the HDR image has been completed. For this I will also explain my effects and editing process for each individual image and effect.
Overall I will produce 10 final images to represent the changing of the human form through individual sex's and personality, by using close ups to create  surreal images that make you explore...not on the concept of the human form as a sexual element, but as shapes that can change and be identified my what the on lookers eye shows them.

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