Friday, 29 January 2016

my short stop motion

my short stop motion / fire truck fire 

This is my first final edit for my sort stop motion video. I used around 250 images to produce this 1 minute 7 second video .

equipment / props : 

  • plastic fire truck
  • wooden basket
  • canon camera
  • plastic car / train track
  • matches  / lighter 
To set up the shot I decided to have my camera on the floor about 25 - 30 centimeters away from the subject so that this was composed with a good depth of field and also then sliding the camera along the floor kept the framing at the same height for each image as I didn't have a tri pod that would sit low enough. 
I found the filming easy for the frames that were just the fire engine moving it was when I brought the fire scene into this that it because difficult because I only had one chance to get this shot right and I would have to be quiet close to the flame to keep the shot from the same level and distance. I think this worked really well but if I had the chance to do this again I would make sure the frame was larger so that it captured the whole flame . but this was hard to judge because I had no control over the size of this.
The scene I like the most is the final scene where you see the fire truck from the back driving away , I really like this because of the blurr and depth and how along with the shot making fire truck disappear I think makes an eye catching ending.
to turn this from individual image into a video I :
  • imported images into adobe premiere
  • made a new sequence
  •  changed the speed / duration to 18 
  • then moved all images next to each other
  • final set was to render as windows media file
after watching this through I think that I like the way the images have all merged to make a video piece along with the composition and depth of field that making the video eye catching . but I think the speed / duration is too slow so im going to re do this and change this to 10 sec and then if that isn't the right speed I will then experiment with other speeds. so that the clips are less jumpy.

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