Sunday, 31 January 2016

your body is a wonder land (inspiration for final idea )

your body is a wonderland  

These images are by photographer Allan Teger for his body of work scapes. In this collection he used image manipulation to make body parts look like landscapes. This collection of work was were my original idea for using the human body to create a piece that is manipulated to mimic not only landscapes but shapes and objects to trick the eye of the on looker .  The thing that i find most eye catching in these is the way that they tell there only little stories which I find exciting in an image. I also love how unique this collection of images , which is the kinda of art work i look for when looking for inspiration because its not something that copied repeatedly like a lot of ideas are in today age of fast pace photographer . The first image is one that I found most amazing because of the way the image photographer has set up the image to not only create the shapes to make a landscape . but also the way the water  has been used to make a sea for the dolphins that are then lit up by the light bouncing of the water.

This image i really love because of the way allen has used the lighting to highlight the curses and lines of the body on the bright white back ground so that you follow these lines that then make your mind believe that this is a land scape . he has then used an image that blend with the lighting of the first image perfectly so that the final manipulated image looks like a perfectly photographed landscape.

after looking through all of allens images from this collection  i had changed my original idea because now instead of focusing on making my images represent places and landscapes . i wanted to look future into the human form (body) its self and create images  that still desive the eye of the viewer by making them see the shapes as new unrecognisable form . but i wanted the focus of my final image to still be focused on the human form but with an abstract look . This because after looking at these images and the shapes of the body in these i feel that there is so much more to explore and create from the human body .
the thing I Think i have taken most from this images as well is the lighting affects and teh way that i wan to experiment with using lighting techniques to also change the form of the body and to draw people in as well as using a digital editing process. 

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