Sunday, 31 January 2016

chris maher

Chris maher   

 This series by chris maher is the zebra women stripe series in this he produces a collection of images showing the naked female form with a zebra like pattern created on the subject, this he does in a studio on a black back ground.
In chris work he uses in his own words " photography to evoke a connection with the under lying magic of life "  I think this idea is shown with the striped lighting effect that to me makes it look like some kind of circus or burlesque act which I think links with the idea of magic .
I really like the power in this images I think this is because of the way the subject is lit , because the bright front lighting that is used on the black back ground bring the subject in all her detail towards you in a way that I think drags you into the emotion and beauty of the images. This lighting technique of making the subject bright on the black back ground is something that i want to try out in my own work because im focusing on the body shape  its self this will be emphasised by using this technique.

Quote : "my figure work is not about beauty but power a women's curves speak a life "

i love this quote and I can see how this is expressed in his work that he is trying to push the shape of the women as being the main focus , but you can see by the positions that he places his subjects in that there are powerful emotions behind each in individual image that draws you in .

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