Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Hdr edited images

HDR edited images
These are my first attempts at  Hdr photography i have chosen to try portraits with this teqnique because when doing my research i found that these were the type of images that caught my eye the most. although the portraits i researched were quiet surreal I wanted try a more traditional portrait so that i could focus more on the teqnique and editing process of HDR before experimenting with the way in which i photograph my subject.
When photographing these i used some window shots so i can experiment with the bright light in Photoshop editing  and i also photographed others on a plan wall with the natural light lighting the image i did this to keep with the idea of a traditional portrait.
To create this image I too 5 images that i would then put into Photoshop and edit with HDR .
i then set my camera to an iso of 100 and then to an aperture of 3.5 these i wont change when taking my images. i then set my camera to 1/15 shutter speed which was 2 stops below the middle balancing point . i then to 4 more images going up 2 stops each time.
I then put theses images into Photoshop and put them into the HDR program and from there i edited each 5 photographs from each individual image. i then used levels in Photoshop to edit these further to give the bright tones and high contrast in a HDR image .

These are 2 of my final HDR I used 5 images for both before layering them together and I then  filter to change the type of effect that I wanted to use. I think the bottom image turned out the best because I love the way the bright light in the top corner , shines across the image and lowering down into almost dark siluete  of the model leading to the dark tones at the bottom of the image. I also like the way that the light gives the out side of the subject an almost glowing effect. The filter I used for this was monochromatic low contrast and i then changed the levels to darken the image slightly . 
I will experiment with this effect more using different locations and lighting so I can experiment with the bight colours and high contrast. I also want to experiment with the positioning and look of the subject to look more like the images that drew my eye to portraits whilst researching HDR photography.  

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