Sunday, 31 January 2016

yung cheng

yung cheng 

 Yung cheng is a photographer that i found whilst searching erotic artist photography on flicker. I find is art work really eye catching and I love how he composes his images in a way that changes the perception of the form but not only using image manipulation but also by using the angle and focal length of the shot along with the lighting to create images that you have to look into closely to work out what is actually being photographed giving this an interesting abstract feel. The idea of being able to trick the on looker of the image into thinking that a body part is something its not in a surreal way , is one of the things that interests  me most with this as this is the kind of thing i want to create with my own ideas and this is one of the few photographers i have found that portray this in there imagery.  This first image is one of my favourites I love yungs  composition of the image  and the way he used the depth and lighting to create shadows that change the shapes and forms of the body. This image also links with the erotic / sexual feeling that im looking to create in my own images . I especially like how he does this in such a creative and sutlle way using a close up shot with great depth.
 In this second image  I  love the way he has used the lighting to brightly light the outer lines of the body shape , which then along with the central composition pushes what looks like a large central abstract shape so that its the first thing you make eye contact with , you then have to look at the shape in detail to realise that it is in fact a section of the human body. this i find really amazing and something that I want to show in my own work because I find the sense of tricking the person looking at the image into a sense of confusen a really great way of making art work more eye catching

I  have looked at this image in a different way to the others because although it dosent change the form to something abstract it does have a surreal feeling to it . This also shows a great example of using image manipulation out of camera . The main thing that leads me to love this image is the sense of emotion and power that come from this  , with the rose powering the way through the subject with a sense of being taken over , i also think that the use of red and the positioning of the flower gives it a sexual feel like the first image i looked at which links to the type of sutle erotic photography that I have been researching.


The final three images like previous ones above all use a mix of image manipulation / close ups and lighting techniques to create surreal images that show the shape of the body and a way in which these can be used to trick the eye of the on looker to interpret these as abstract shapes not body parts.  
This photographer has been a big inspiration to my new ideas in my work and after finding his work has made me think my ideas over in more detail to images not the same as his . but to use the inspiration to transform the concept of this into my own style of photography. 

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