Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Bill viola cameras are soul keepers

bill viola  
Bill viola was born 1951 and is a contemporary video artist , he uses electronic , sound and image technology in new media. 
His ideas are based around birth , death and consciousness . 
In his insulations  he uses a lot of different elements as a way of viewing art and expression in a visual way. 
Bill uses video screens and projectors to show his insulations. 
I have found that his work is extremely powerful and shows events and emotions through all aspects of his life.   

This video is a documentary of bill violas life and work.   
This video doesn't use any different shots a wide angle head and shoulder shot is used in the shots of bills interview and then the shots zoom out and become slightly more wide angle when examples of his work is being shown. 
I found this documentary really interesting I think this is because the way his work is shown mid way through him taking really keeps your attention becasue the loud sounds and bright colours.  i also think the  insite to his child hood and how him ending up at the bottom of a lake at 6 years old makes you really under stand how he links his pieces to the magnificent dream world that he pictured at the bottom of this lake. i think that how he says he was just looking around and admiring what he could see is really amazing because he wasn't bothered that he might drowning  he was to fixed with the beauty.
In his works "The real things are under the surface"
when looking at this way of showing work I think this is a really good idea because to show your collection and explain the idea behind this in stead of people having to guess or read a small piece about this I think leads you to look at the piece in more detail. 
Through looking at his work in the video I love the way he gets inspiration and create these pieces from life events and day to day things he sees that people don't even notice.   

web reference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx5Cu7U-Fkg&index=3&list=RDRTPf6mHKYD0 



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