Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Human form / figure

Human form / figure 

Taken from an artistic point of view : 

When studying the human form from an artistic point of view this shows the appreciation of the beauty , shape and positioning of the human body . This in its self I think is an interesting subject from an artistic point of view because  each individual body is different , which makes it so interesting to explore. 
Over hundreds of years artists have been producing are that grabs peoples attention in a way that not only admires , but also explores the human form. This is most commonly shown using sculptures for example : michelangelos David

 This is a large marble statue that was created between 1501 and 1504  by michelangelo .  The  symbolic statue  represents a hero and soon became a symble of civil liberties. 
this example I think is a great example because it can be looked at Purley for the power of its symbol and also in a way that explores the human form and shape of the human  body it's self . 

This can then be seen as a powerful piece of art work that reaches out to the on looker. 
whilst looking at the idea of the human form / body I have found that it is used to push power in many artistic pieces. 
This is one of the main things that inspired me to focus my idea on the human form . As I want my emotion and the subjects emotion to be reflected and in a way be the main focus of my Images.  
I want to make my idea my own though so I will steer away from the idea of doing full body portraits , and will experiment with cutting out areas of the body . To then create new surreal and abstract image. That show a new side to how the human form is ever changing and different for each individual person. I also think the surreal and abstract side that the mixture of cut out body parts create will draw people into the images and keep there attention. This I think is because it makes you want to work out the original images that were used to create this piece.   
Overall I think that the human form is a work of art and gives you an ever changing base to explore. 
Which is what interests me most because this pushes me to think of new and exciting ways to show the world  in my work.    

examples of human form as art 

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