shoot 2 camera raw black and white edits
These are a some of my single edits From shoot 2 , in these images I used camera raw and for each I wanted to keep the detail of the shapes of the body . but to then also bring out the dark black back ground so that it looks like the black is almost blending in with subject. In each image I
- lowered the blacks
- upped the contrast
- lowered the whites
- upped the clarity
After doing this I really like the out come of the images especially how in the close up images the shape of the body changes with the dark shadows drifting into them . which I think then gives the image the abstract feel I wanted to gain .
In the full body shots i love the way the out line of the body is lit in almost a halo effect , this I think will work really well when cutting out the body sections for the overlaid images because it will bring out the shapes for my abstract feel .
This image sis one of my favourites this is because I love the way the light his the subject and the out lie of the body on the dark black back ground and almost pushes the subject out of the image.
This image is one of the best close ups ive done. This I think is because i really love the straight eye contact with the model and how I feel it draws you into the image and makes you think of the emotion of the subject. I also really like the lighting ad how the half of the face being in the dark gives the image a sense of mystery and I also think that the control in the lighting links well with my idea of control that I want to push in my images.
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