Sunday, 7 February 2016

Lsabellev menim

Lsabelle  Menim 
Lsabelle studied at the eclole de recherché graphique Brussels .she wasn't always a photographer . she explored painting for 10 years after studying . but after several exhibitions , she put painting  to the side and started to explore working with digital photography.
In both her painting and photography lsabelle has used nature particularly flora based to create her images .
When producing her photographic pieces she scanned in fragments of nature and then  transformed these, by exploring the changes in texture and colour.
I think that Labelle's images look more like paintings . This isn't really a style that I like but I do like the bright colours especially the way they drip down the images , which makes them look like water colours.
This technique I think is a really creative way of manipulating images. But if I was to try this my self , I think I would try a different style of piece   for example using dark leaves and pieces of rubbish , so that I could put my own take on the images and explore different textures .

web reference :

In these image I really like the way they are lit for example in this top image you can clearly see the light being directed form the left and hitting the large pink flower that then seems to bounce of and light up the whole image.

The image below is one that especially caught my eye , i love the way the colours run down the image to a pool of colour. I think this along with other images of hers look a lot like painting and this one n particular looks like a painting that has ran with colour.

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