Thursday, 11 February 2016

images using overlaying , hdr and raw images try 1

overalyed images try one  
These are my first attempt at over laying images I think these have turned out really well After experimenting with cutting out different areas of the body and overlaying them I found that finding images that blended together was a lot easier. This I think is because I learnt which shapes matched well together and how to mix the different tones in the images so they worked well together.  

  This first images is a mix of 2 images the bottom layer of bum and legs which is a raw image. That I have editing so that the subject stands out brightly on the dark background. The top image is A HDR image that i have lowered the opacity on so that you can see the lines of shapes on the bottom image and in this both images blend in a way that makes an abstract image. 
This second image I dont like as much as the rest even though I think the lines of the bodys mix together I think that using two dark images has made the out line to dark .Which is then taking the focus away from the form its self.
This image im also really please with I espically love the mix of high contrast HDR that is almost painting like with the very faint raw edited photographic image of legs . This I think works really well and looks like the top him has dragged the legs from the bottom image . This I think works really well with the idea of the changing of the human from because the body looks duplicated in layers.
This bottom image of the eyes and mouth is one of my favourite pieces . This is because of how well the two images blend into one and create in interpretation of the face in an abstract way . but I also love how the image looks like the cut outs could have been take from the same image but actually  they have come from two separate image.

I will now experiment with other images to create more images using the overlaying technique . I will then work on the tones and composition of all the images and decided which 10 I will use for my final collection . I know also feel more confident with the process of producing these images in and out camera. 

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