Monday, 1 February 2016

research into the erotic side of photography (Erotic Art photography )

Erotic art photography (photographers website) 

im looking into the world of erotic art and photography as research for part of my final idea /images , im doing this because I want push a slightly erotic feel to my final piece because this to me links the exploration of the human form and the emotion of power that i want to show in my images. 
The erotic art photography is a website that has formed a group of erotic photographers that have joined as guild (organisation) to produce erotic images that are then shown on one website : 
This website has helped me in many ways with exploring future into the idea of bondage especially with the rules and regulations for the site because this helps with my research into the power and structure of bondage that i want to get across in my images. i also like the way in which this site in there own words aim to produce tasteful yet challenging photography which as i have said in my plan is to not just look at the sexual pornographic side but to  show beauty / power and emotion in my work in an artist way.  

These images are print screens from the official guild of erotic photographers website :

This first image is the about page from the website this explains in detail the organisations aims of what they want to achieve in there work. This is one of the first things  that lead me to explore this site in more detail because of the way there expressed there aim to use this genre of photography to produce tasteful works of art which I think separated this from a lot of the other site I found that showed a side more typical linked with the pornographic industry and not the artist side that I want to produce.

This second image is the code (rules) that the guild have set that each photographer has to stick to , this i think links with the control and power that is associated with bondage in its self , after reading through this it made me under stand the control side more . which then helped me to show this in my photography ideas now i had a deeper understanding . this also showed me that the way people persive this genre can be all wrong because if you look at the rules and set out around this particular site you can see it is very structured and not the outrageous unconventional practice that is some times though of.
this site has given me a lot of in site into the structure of the erotic industry and has helped me to under stand the  side of rules and regulations that come with the practice.

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