Thursday, 11 February 2016

edited images shoot 2

raw edits for images shoot 2  

These images are the ones that I edited in raw to then experiment overlaying sections with the HDR Images.  

hands behind back :  
tone curve :                              exposure +0.80
lights : +31                               contrast +32
darks : -18                                 shadows -50
shadows -30                              blacks -42
                                                  clarity +65
                                                   saturation -97

face / ball gag                  tone curves
contrast -23                      lights =11
shadows -85                     darks -4
blacks -36                         shadows -28
clarity -36
saturation -100
editing process : adobe raw :
black and white
exposure : =0.75
contrast : +39
shadows -25
whites -7
blacks -23
clarity +69
saturation -100
tones  curves
lights +15
darks -13
shadows -42
bum and legs image  
contrast +44
shadows -17
whites -13
blacks -53
clarity +31
saturation -100

handcuffed :
contrast + 52
shadows -68
whites -68
blacks -100
clarity +71

eyes :
contrast +21
blacks -81
clarity +92
saturation -100
image 1 :
contrast +42
shadows -50
blacks -93
clarity +55
saturation -100

edit 2 :
shadows -63

contrast 48
shadows -24
blacks -67
clarity +20
saturation -100
edit 4 :
contrast +27
shadows +3
whites -28
blacks -21
clarity 56
saturation -100
edit 5 :
lights +8
darks -1
saturation -100
edit 6  :
contrast +100
shadows -32
whites +4
blacks -36
clarity +58
saturation -100

edit 7 :
contrast +28
shadows +17
blacks -62
clarity +64

edit 8 :
contrast +87
clarity +30

edit 9
contrast +23
shadows -11
whites -30
clarity +54
saturation -87

edit 10
contrast +13
shadows -13
whites +50
blacks -27
clarity +98
saturation -100

edit 11 :
exposure +0.80
highlights -1
shadows -28
whites -8
blacks -14
clarity +69

These are all images that I edited in camera raw I love the the lighting hits the image to light the lines and shapes . but then at the same time creates a pitch black back ground that begins to drag the image in but with still keeping focus on the form. To do this I lowered the blacks and shadows in each  image . I then used clarity and highered this to bring out the imperfections on the skin I think this adds great detail. These images haven't had a digitally manipulated technique used on them I will be using them as part of my technique because I want to use a HDR and a raw edited image to then create my overlayed images. So then i will be using a mix of two different manipulating techniques and a Photoshop edited image. This I think works well along side my digital photography brief.

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