Thursday, 11 February 2016

HDR edits

HDR edits  

monochromatic hight contrast
gamma 1.30
exposure -4.65
detail 291
shadows 93
highlights 50
vibrance -18
saturation -100
monochromatic high contrast
gamma 1.29
exposure -4.65
detail 290
shadows 93
highlights 50
vibrance -17
saturation -100

These first two images , i edited with the same HDR process monochromatic high contrast , I really like the effect this gives espically with the dark shadows of the inner body and the lit up out line of teh subject . This I think really emphisises the shapes and lines of the body form and this is what I was aiming to show. The first image is my faviroute becasue I love the way the darkness that leads into the shadowing of teh body leads blends into make the legs look like they are disappearing into the darkness . This I think makes the image more intreasting and makes you explore the images to imagaine where the blackness is leading too.

boob :
monochromatic low contrast
black and white
lower highlights -1
lower shadows -86
vibrance -100
saturation -100
Photoshop levels :

This next image I used the same tool as above but this time with low contrast . This I think didnt give as good effect as the high contrast . but I do like the way the imperfection are brought out on the nipple . But overall I feel that the image dosent create the darkness that I was aiming for that drags the black back ground into the dark shadows.
hands behind back:
monochromatic high contrast
shadows -50
vibrance -100
saturation -100
levels 60/1.00/255

This image is also high contrast monochromatic  but In this the orginal image was a lot brihter around the edge and on the hands so when editing this I made it a lot darker by lowering the shadows and teh highlights . I like the way the hands look in this edit , but I think the body needs more lighting to bring out the shapes of the body.

monochromatic high contrast
radius 240
strength 2.00
gamma 2.18
exposure -4.15
detail 200
shadow -15
vibrance 27
saturation -100
levels 51/0.50/255

This image uses the high contrast monochromatic layer but This time have used the brightness of the image to bring out the emphisis of tehdody shapes , but I have still keptt eh shadows on the inner legs that then blend with the black background. This is the HDR look that im going to be using but slightly darker for my final images becasue I think this overlayed with  a darker raw edited image with give a great contrast and work really well with showing the shapes in the human form. I also really like the way that even though this piece is a photograph you get the feelig of an almost painted  piece within the photograph becasue of the lighting a textures. 

monochromatic high contrast 
gamma : 2.5
exposure - 4.85
detail 300

shadows 90
highlights 45
saturation -100

This final image is one of the darker high contrast pieces  These dark tones I think would work well for the overlayed image to go over the brighter high contrast image. even though this is dark I  really love teh way you can still see teh shape of the body that looks like it is sinking into the dark shadows of the back ground. 

I have deicded to use the monochromatic high contrast tool in HDR . I will use bright images for these so I can then make these slightly darker in editing but still keep the lighting so you can clearly see the lines and shapes. I will then use raw edited images overlayed to this , and play about with the opacity to create an abstract double exposed image by using HDR and overlaying as my digtial manipulation.

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