chris Cunningham
chris Cunningham was born October 1970 . He is a British video artist , his work is with music videos like ambient music , autechre and aphex twin. As well as this he creates art installations and short film .
In his video insulations he uses extravagant ideas to push the boundaries and grasp his audiences attention. I love how unique his style is I think this is what I find so eye catching about his work , especially looking into his ideas and concepts to see where these amazing ideas are based from .
This short documentary shows chris Cunningham and his ideas behind some of his most famous music videos.
In the video a fex twin it is purley a reaction to sound. Through out this video all the movements and reactions of the people are based on the sound . This is done by using distorted sounds and also loud random sounds that you would hear every day but for example the dark barking but with the zoomed in shot and the creepy atmosphere . This just adds to the dark feeling of the video.
When watching the a fex twin video m first thought was that of a creepy video with dark emotions but after watching this short documentary you can see that chris thinks different when he says "I cant see why people see the dark side". he also explains that if you knew the artists music then you would under see the creepy warped faces as funny.
Another thing I have found from This is that as a child he main focus was technology and that I where a lot of his ideas now come from. This you can see in the robot video with the focus being on the making and actions of the robot, you can also see ths in the a fex twin video because of the technical side to the sound distortion .
I have also found that all of his work has a story line with a beginning a middle and an end .
His video that I found to be a bit different is the Madonna video this video focuses on the mood of Madonna , and how she looks. In this video he uses a mix of head and shoulder shots , close ups , wide angle. These shots along with the eye contact of the artist really draws you in to emotion.
The emotion in all of his videos is the one thing that I find shows his style because he likes to connect with the subject and the story line.
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