Monday, 1 February 2016

studio shoot 2 - charlotte

studio shoot 2 test shots
 These are a range  of my images from my second studio shoot , for this I kept with the black back ground and black sheets underneath my subject. I then used a 2 light set up one of these having a soft box on . I then tried a range of different set ups for the lighting through out this shoot . I kept with having one key light and then the soft box light on lower , so my subject was lit brightly but still keeping the dark black back ground. 
I decided to take these images in black and white and colour so that I could have more freedom when editing . 
I experimented with full body shots and close ups , so that I could explore the body's curves in detail and also so I could make a compare sent between the two shots to decided on which to use for my final images.   I also think that have this range of images will work well when experimenting with overlaying my images in Photoshop.  
I also experimented with many different angles so I could see which works best for my final shots and which ones work together when overlays in image in Photoshop.

I think these images have turned out really well and I now have a good idea of the shots i want to use in my final images . I will use long body shots for sections of the body but I will cut the face out of these because I want to be exploring the body's form and not the identity of the person .
The lighting I think has works best in these shots is having the key light above the subject when they are laying down with a low light level with the side of there body . This is because the out line of the subject is then well lit on the still dark black back ground which is the effect I wanted . Then for when the subject is on there side of facing to the front the lighting i think worked best is using the key light with a soft box at there level as the key light and then a lower level light at the bottom or top of the body to light the out line so you can see the detail of the body. I also think that the black and white images work best because I prefer the dark and light tones rather than colour because it adds more focus to the shapes and lines in an image.
I will now experiment with the editing in camera raw and Photoshop to experiment with my ideas for my manipulated images . I will then upload and edit my hdr images and practice overlaying for before then then doing my final shoot.

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