Thursday, 11 February 2016


my Parallax  

This my attempt at creating a parallax In doing this I will use after effects to create an object that looks like it is moving almost like a video.  

To do this I used an image of a snowboarder on a mountain that had a good depth of field because this is helps when creating a parallax image.  

The first step in this process I had to cut out the individual sections in Photoshop that would  become the layers in after effects. I cut out the snow boarder , then the mountain tops and then the sky separately and saved these as pdf files.   

These are the cut out image (components) 

The next step was to put these into after effects and to do this and dragged all my cut images into the time line. 

After these were in the time line I turned on the three dimension cube icon. I then used the blue line (Y axis) back wards and forwards to position the layer correctly . 
The next step was to resize the layers so that the furthest away was the biggest.  

To make the image look like it was moving I used  the z axis and zoomed in along this axis this then created the movement.  

I used a time of 4 second on each layer to make sure that the movement only lasted 4 seconds. 

Whilst doing making this i also used the camera tools to show the layers septate and in an almost 3d grid that let me adjust the space between these.   

I think that after effects is a really great program to use . but I think to create a more detailed piece I would need more time to create this. But I also dont think that this is a technique I would use very often because even though this is an interesting affect I prefer still images. 

This my final rendered parallax I think this turned out really well and you can clearly see the movement . If I could do this again I would like to experiment with more techniques that I  could add to my image. 

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